Sunday 17th May - 6th Sunday of Easter 10am Mass (hymns available below video)
Monday 18th - Easter Feria 100th Birthday of St John Paul II 6pm Mass followed by Adoration and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary
Tuesday 19th - Easter Feria 6pm Mass
Wednesday 20th - St Bernadine of Siena, Memorial 6pm Mass
Thursday 21st - The Ascension of the Lord, Solemnity NB 9.45am Morning Prayer 10am Mass
Friday 22nd - Easter Feria 6pm Mass
Saturday 23rd - Easter Feria 10am Mass followed by Adoration and Rosary
Sunday 24th May - 7th Sunday of Easter 10am Mass With hymns TBA on this page.
- N.B. Live streams will be available on this page at least 5 minutes before starting. - Mass intentions are as announced in the weekly newsletter. - This timetable of Masses and devotions will be reviewed weekly and kept up to date on here. - We are trying to improve things best we can. Your views are very much appreciated.