Three million young people from every corner of the world descended on to Copacabana beach. The beach, in the past has seen many concerts and many crowds but none like the World Youth Day pilgrims. The beach became a city, groups of pilgrims marked the areas where they would be sleeping and leaving their belongings with little walls of sand and flags acting as markers. There were hundreds of little streets that you had to weave in and out of to find your group or play in the sea or use the facilities. The atmosphere was incredible. 3 million young people united in heart, united in faith, united with their Holy Father.
Before the Vigil there was plenty of opportunity to set out the sleeping bags, have a dip in the sea - the waves on Copacabana were incredible, the biggest I've ever seen. I still have a few grazes from being dragged by the waves through the sand. As the day rolled on we opened our lunch packs and ate our cat food (It was better than cat food but looked a bit like it and came from a tin!). There were lots of different acts on the stage area from all over the world and these were interspersed by rehearsals for the worlds biggest flash mob! Yes, I learned the dance!
Before the Vigil there was plenty of opportunity to set out the sleeping bags, have a dip in the sea - the waves on Copacabana were incredible, the biggest I've ever seen. I still have a few grazes from being dragged by the waves through the sand. As the day rolled on we opened our lunch packs and ate our cat food (It was better than cat food but looked a bit like it and came from a tin!). There were lots of different acts on the stage area from all over the world and these were interspersed by rehearsals for the worlds biggest flash mob! Yes, I learned the dance!
About an hour before the Vigil you could feel the excitement rising. Crowds headed up to the rails to be able to catch a glimpse of the Pope as he passed. When he did come there was a huge amount of cheering, waving and chanting.
The Holy Father gave an address to all of us gathered on the beach. Fr Jan and I sat among the pilgrims translating as the Pope spoke in Spanish. His words were incredible, they are well worth reading and reflecting on - not just for young people. At times it was hard to translate because I just wanted to listen and take it in - I think I gave the gist of it though!
The Holy Father gave an address to all of us gathered on the beach. Fr Jan and I sat among the pilgrims translating as the Pope spoke in Spanish. His words were incredible, they are well worth reading and reflecting on - not just for young people. At times it was hard to translate because I just wanted to listen and take it in - I think I gave the gist of it though!
After the Pope's address he lead us in a time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. What a powerful moment, 3 million people all together adoring Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament. To have that number of people in stillness, in quietness, in prayerfulness was amazing. Once the Holy Father gave us Benediction we began our night under the stars, with the crashing of waves in our ears ready for World Youth Day itself and the final Mass.